Current shipping times 5-7 business days.
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Are you feeling charitable?
Consider purchasing this Random Act of Kindness and Aurora Beauty and Skincare will pick a random item, or collection of items, worth at least $15 and send it to a random pre-existing customer. Or, if you'd prefer, we can send it to somebody of your choice!
The items included with the Random Act of Kindness are limited to what is in stock at the time of purchase and specific items cannot be chosen by the purchaser or recipient. (Essentially, we pick what goes out and who it goes to, at random.) Maybe you'll be the next one to receive a Random Act of Kindness!
Aurora's Random Act of Kindness has inspired similar handmade community shops to offer similar services and even donate their products to our service. So, from time-to-time we will send out bonus gear from our friends in addition to Aurora products. We've received incredible positive feedback from this charitable service and have made many people's day's brighter.
Aurora does not collect profit from these sales. We are certain to cover our costs and provide at least $15 (retail) worth of product(s). We break even doing this so that we can continue to offer this fun service.